Pre-ordering and contact-free shopping

We offer a number of ways for you to customize your shopping and bring home the products you want. In addition to our weekly flexible produce share program, shoppers can take advantage of these options:
Stock up on pantry favorites or order items we don’t already carry, delivered right to the store for you. We can order a case of anything we have in stock as well as products that aren’t on our shelves, including thousands of items from the UNFI catalog. Many health and beauty items are also available individually.
- Fill out the form in the store and a team member will contact you when your items arrive.
- 5% discount off retail price (10% for members)
Members can also custom-order fresh-baked bread from Rose 32 Bakery in Hardwick by 5 pm on Saturday for pickup after 1 pm on Thursday!
Remote ordering and curbside pickup
If you’re minimizing contact out of health concerns, we’re happy to take your order by email and bring your groceries out to your car for you. Just follow these easy steps:
- Email us with a list of the groceries and supplies you’re looking for, along with your phone number. We’ll acknowledge receipt as soon as we can and will let you know when we’ll be able to respond with details about what’s available from your list.
- We’ll gather the items you want and total the order amount. Pay with a credit card over the phone if you wish. We’ll take your information verbally and enter it directly on our pin pad rather than writing it down anywhere. You may also pay in person when picking up the order. Sorry, we can’t take EBT card info over the phone!
- If you’ve already paid over the phone, you can call when you arrive and a staff member will bring your order out and put it in your trunk.
If you don’t have access to email or prefer to call, we’re at 978-544-6784. (Please be aware that we may need to call you back if staff are busy with other customers in the store.)