Local foods
Our product mix includes good things from close to home like Dean’s Beans coffee (Orange), free-range eggs from Margot’s Eggs (Athol), organic meat from The Farm School (Athol), chicken from Diemand Farm (Wendell), and seasonal bounty like greens and other veggies from Seeds of Solidarity Farm (Orange) and Coolidge Hill Farm (New Salem).
We also stock dairy, honey, maple syrup, flour and grains, and much more from food producers around our area, including great items from other New England co-ops. You’ll find Bart’s Ice Cream and Katalyst Kombucha from Greenfield, sausages and bacon from Crooked Creek Hollow Farm in Richmond, NH, organic, non-GMO tortillas from Mi Tierra in Hadley, and much more.
Our inventory changes from month to month, with many specialty items from nearby producers and some that come to us from suppliers like Marty’s Local, a family-owned distributor connecting producers and markets around central New England and New York’s Hudson Valley. We’re excited to partner with Marty’s and many others who are working to rebuild the kind of local food networks that fed our part of the world until just a few decades ago.
Follow us on Facebook for updates on what’s new and delicious.
Here’s a quick overview of when things arrive in the store:
- Monday UNFI delivery midday (except major holidays)
- Tuesday Dairy delivery early a.m.; Bart’s/Snow’s ice cream; produce delivery (usually midday); share pickup starts 3:30 pm
- Wednesday Share pickup all day
- Thursday Rose 32 bread delivery bu 1 pm; order from UNFI catalog by 7 pm for next week’s delivery
- Friday Place orders for produce shares by 6 pm for Tues or Wed pickup next week
- Saturday Place Rose 32 orders by 5 pm (members only)