Quabbin Harvest Participates In Pilot Program Offering Simplified CSA Payment Method To SNAP Customers



To download the SNAP CSA application, click here 


SNAP customers have a new way to purchase CSA shares from Quabbin Harvest.  The purchase price can now be debited monthly, directly from SNAP accounts. A weekly share of vegetables, good for a small family, is $12 per week and the fruit share is $4 per week. Common Capital and The Farm School are making it possible to offer these shares at the subsidized rate.


“By taking part in this program, SNAP benefit recipients have the opportunity to access a valuable purchasing model. People join CSAs to make their food dollars go further while supporting their local economies; we’re excited to be part of a program giving more of our community the opportunity to spend and eat this way.” - Cristina Garcia, Quabbin Harvest Board Member.


Massachusetts is the first state in the nation to offer the SNAP Recurring Payment Pilot program, and Quabbin Harvest is one of 18 participating CSAs. The program, now in it’s second year, is run by the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance.


“The premise of this co-op is breaking the myth that only rich people can have access to healthy food, said Ricky Baruc, co-founder and farmer-educator at Seeds of Solidarity in Orange.  “Anything we can do to make it easier.” he said. Seeds of Solidarity is one of the local farms whose produce is often in weekly shares.


Interested SNAP customers can find out more about the program and pick up CSA Membership Agreements at Quabbin Harvest, 12 North Main Street Orange, 978/544-6784 and The North Quabbin Patch, 423 Main Street, Athol, 978-249-5070. The agreement can also be found at quabbinharvest.coop. SNAP CSA program shares are available starting Sept. 1, 2015  through Dec. 31, 2015, SNAP customers can sign-up for shares at anytime during the season. Quabbin Harvest also accepts SNAP (EBT) food assistance benefits for in-store purchases.



Posted: to News on Thu, Aug 27, 2015
Updated: Thu, Aug 27, 2015

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