Recipe: Tarragon Cantaloupe Ice Pops

from the blog of Northampton’s Town Farm

  • 1 cup simple syrup (that's 1:1 sugar to water, heated up until the sugar dissolves and then cooled)
  • 2-3 sprigs tarragon, or more as needed (could also be done with mint, hyssop, or lavender)
  • 1 cantaloupe, about 2 1/4 lbs., peeled and seeded

Combine the simple syrup and tarragon in a small saucepan. Cover and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let rest while the tarragon steeps. You want about 3/4 cup or a little more to work with.

Cut cantaloupe and puree in food processor. You should have 2 1/3 cups puree. Strain simple syrup making sure to squeeze out anything left in the tarragon. Mix with cantaloupe in bowl that can pour well. Pour into ice pop molds, insert sticks and wait 4-5 hours.

Posted: to Recipes on Thu, Aug 22, 2013
Updated: Thu, Aug 22, 2013

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