Recipe: Citrus Salad with Mint, Basil and Red Onion

from the blog, "A Cup of Jo"

Recipe: Citrus Salad with Mint, Basil and Red Onion

Serves 4

You'll need: 
2 oranges 
1 grapefruit
2 clementines 
A few sprigs each of mint and basil
1 small red onion
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of coarse sea salt

Peel all the citrus and slice them into 1/4-inch rounds. Layer the citrus on a platter (or on four separate plates), alternating different types. Chop the mint and basil and sprinkle about. Peel and very thinly slice the red onion into circles and disperse on top. Drizzle olive oil (at least 2 tablespoons) over the dish, plus a pinch or two of sea salt. 

Posted: to Recipes on Sun, Mar 24, 2013
Updated: Sun, Mar 24, 2013

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