
for your board candidates

This year we have three candidates for six open seats on the board.

Mark Maynard (Warwick, running for a third term)

I am running for a third term as a board member for the Quabbin Harvest Food Co-op. I was born in Warwick and live here still with my wife, Regina Curtis. We are longtime members of Quabbin Harvest and have contributed financially to the Co-op when we were able to. I feel my life-long residence in the area and my nearly 40 years working for a regional non-profit social service agency has given me an appreciation for what it's like to live in this part of Franklin County. I am hoping to be able to contribute to the continuing presence of Quabbin Harvest in our community. After joining the board in early 2020, none of us foresaw what came soon after. The Co-op has weathered a global health crisis, full zoom meetings, hybrid meetings, periods of monetary inflation, rises in costs of everything, and devastating weather conditions for many of our regional farmers. Yet we persist! I am on the Personnel Committee and also work occasionally with a group of volunteer Co-op members to attempt to keep our building functioning. As a Co-op member, I feel a sense of positivity and purpose. We have a great staff, an army of volunteers and new equipment in the store to help us move forward.Thank you to all!

Margot Parrot (Athol, emerita board member, running for a new first term)

I moved to the North Quabbin region twelve years ago and discovered the Co-op when it was located in the OIC. I started working there and brought eggs whenever my ten chickens had extras. People began asking for more and more eggs, so I got more and more chickens. Now I have about 200 chickens, ducks and geese and people are still asking for more eggs! I served on the Co-op Board as its Secretary for 6 years before being term-limited off in 2022. I still serve as a member of both the Outreach Committee and Personnel Committee, as well as volunteering. My pertinent skills involve previously owning and running a retail clothing store, many years of farming, and currently being a law professor. I have also served in leadership positions in state and local government, as well as on the boards of numerous non-profits. I’m more than willing to keep working hard for accessible, locally produced foods.

Amy Sanden (Royalston, running for a first term)

Growing up in Athol and currently residing in Royalston with my husband, Lars Sanden, I have been a member of the co-op since 2014. One of the core principles of my upbringing was the importance of community service and the act of helping those less fortunate. I am grateful for my job at Pete's Tire Barns, where I have had the privilege of working for the past 23 years. This company shares my passion for giving back to the community, and as a representative of Pete's Tire Barns, I have been fortunate to serve on several local committees and boards such as the North Quabbin Chamber of Commerce, the Central Massachusetts United Way, and the North Quabbin Food-a-Thon.

The programs provided by Quabbin Harvest are vital in providing support to low-income families and seniors, ensuring that they have access to locally-sourced produce and healthier options. As a potential member of the Board, I am committed to supporting their mission and contributing to the betterment of our community.


We also have a proposed new Bylaw relating to the ongoing transition in board leadership, intended to help us grow our governance capacity and strengthen our succession planning.

Voting will open in the store on March 21 and will continue until 5 pm on Thurs, April 18. Members may also vote at the Annual Meeting from 6-7 pm.

View a sample ballot here.

Attached File:

Posted: to News on Tue, Mar 12, 2024
Updated: Wed, Mar 20, 2024

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